04-04-2015, 10:13 PM
Yurt Forum Addict
Join Date: Oct 2014
Location: Washington/Oregon
Posts: 292
Re: Cover material guidance please.
Depends on how you take care of it, how much you want to spend, what your sewing machine can handle (if you're sewing it), how long you want it to last, whether you're trying to avoid synthetics, etc, etc.
A lot of the big american yurts use the coated polyester (I think)--they last something like 10-15 or more years from their claims. The slippery nature helps snow slid off. Not breathable--can exacerbate humidity issues.
Canvas can be good--said to last somewhere around 3-5+ years, depending on care. Must be dried out frequently (ie, run the wood stove hot, lift the skirt some and open the crown ring on a sunny day) if in damp areas. If I recall, sometimes cheaper. Breathable.
In all cases, UV is your enemy (ages materials). High humidity may lead to mold/mildew problems. Trees/birds dirty the cover, so placement is a factor.
Last edited by hierony; 04-04-2015 at 10:14 PM.
Reason: Grammar