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Building The Aroura

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Old 06-15-2017, 05:07 AM   #21
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Location: Esslingen, south Germany
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Default Re: Building the Aroura

o, I've started to put a parts list together, and I'm immediately finding things I don't know:

People are saying to make the floor before the walls. This makes a lot of sense, but I was hoping to make a 'minimal' yurt to start with, just frame, cover, doors and windows, and take it down when it gets cold. This way I can prove to somewhat sceptical friends and family that I can make this, and also not spend too much money on the first attempt. My plan was to lay a flat area in the garden with wood mulch or similar and leave it at that for this time around.

I'll still need to plan for


though. I've found that we can get organic hemp


, 30mm (1.2") thick. I'd aim for this to go between the frame and cover and I'd ultimately like to leave it all year to keep the yurt cool in summer. With a thin insulation like that, do I need to make a cover much bigger than the frame, or is there enough space between the two? Possibly a daft question, but I work with wood, not fabrics, so I don't know how they would react.

My long-term goal would be a raised platform with insulation all around including the floor. I can probably, just get way with this unless the planning authority really gets fussy, as it is still considered a 'temporary' structure unless there's a concrete foundation.

I'm thinking of a platform about 4.5m (15') square, with the insulated floor sitting on that.

How do you deal with the join between wall and floor? It seems I have to allow the floor to go beyond the wall, or cut it close to the frame and allow insulation and everything to go down to the platform level. The second option makes more sense to me. I'm guessing the floor is cut as close as possible to the line of the Yurt cover, and the frame, insulation and door sit on the floor, with canvas going down to the outside deck, and under (?) the floor.

Is this vaguely feasible?

If I make the 'Basic' yurt, with cover & frame in the first year, and then make the Insulation the next year, I could plan for a new cover to go over the insulation in the second year as well. Then the old cover would go over the frame, and the insulation could be laid over the top, then a slightly larger the new cover over that.

This would have the advantage that I'd have made the basic Yurt and proved it is possible, I only have one battle to fight this year, and the new cover can be made slowly over winter and probably better because I'll know that I'm doing.

Am I over thinking this?


The problem is that I live in a very conservative part of Germany, where Yurts are unheard of and anything new will be treated with great scepticism. You should have seem peoples faces when we started using a Bakfiets to get around. Culturally something new must work perfectly first time, or it will be considered a complete waste of time. In my training and work we have a culture of trying and experimenting so I get culture shock every time I go 'home'. It is very strange, but it means I need to have a 'success' to be taken seriously.

Last edited by Andy_in_Germany; 06-15-2017 at 05:19 AM. Reason: Still too many typos.
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Old 07-31-2017, 02:41 AM   #22
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Location: Esslingen, south Germany
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Default Re: Building the Aroura

So, after making a list of the parts needed I found that in Germany it is surprisingly difficult to get wood, and very hard to get it in the dimensions needed for a 5m diameter Yurt.

After looking round for a while I asked a local carpenter I knew. His quote just came back as €1200 not including the wall lattice because they can't cut wood that small.

Of course, I have to add the cost of fabric, insulation, floor, doors... and find a source for the lattices, which was the problem that brought me to the carpenter in the first place...

Right now I'm getting retraining because of an industrial related illness so money is a bit too tight for this.

Still I'm a ot further on than before: I have a fairly accurate parts list, a better idea of the costs, and the design of the Yurt.

My new job will probably end up being somewhere with a wood workshop -I'm a trained cabinet maker so I'm licensed to use most woodworking machines- and space to store wood, so I can probably try again sometime.

Just not yet. It's frustrating but I'm not planning to give up...
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