We got the outhouse finished and loaded it up on my poor little truck:
Yes, that was a fun drive!

I took the back way to the yurt because I felt ridiculous driving around like that, but since the helicopter service wasn't available, I had no other choice.
Here it is all set up:
Here is a pic of the inside of the outhouse:
It was a heavy adventure.. I would estimate the entire thing weighed about 400 pounds. We dug a hole as deep as we could with shovels, which as about 3 1/2 feet deep. The ground at our site is extremely rocky, so it was like chipping through an old stone driveway.
Once I got it in place, I painted the vent pipe black so when the sun hit it, it would heat up the pipe and draw the bad air out. I also then sealed up the inside of the outhouse with silicone so as to keep insects out. The door has weatherstripping on it to achieve the same thing. Inside, above the door I put one of those battery powered LED push lights. It lights up the entire outhouse.
Needless to say, I am a little sore today!