05-07-2016, 11:43 AM
Yurt Forum Youngin
Join Date: Sep 2015
Posts: 24
White yurt cover, why so popular?
I been mulling something over for a while now.
I see a lot of Yurts with White covers. i no expert in thermo-dynamics, but i guessing white colour holds heat better?
(i was trying to remember science behind shuttle re-entry heat shields, i forget).
All heat stuff aside, white stands out quite a lot. on a sunny day, a white yurt can be seen from very far in Rural areas.
In UK, i have heard countless stories of people trying to set up self-sustainable-esque projects, only to have difficult neibours complain to the council.
(ever since the post-WW2 welfare state began, British government bodies have been allowed to get right up in people's private business regarding land use. I am not a fan.)
I suspect that for perhaps the Reserved/conservative Rural country dweller, the sight of a bright white yurt appearing in their Arc of view, may be perceived as a 'intrusive-statement' of some kind.
kinda got me thinking a pastel green or brown might blend in nicer and attract less council-based shenanigans.
Last edited by ChrisL; 05-07-2016 at 12:26 PM.