08-03-2016, 03:29 PM
Yurt Forum Addict
Join Date: Nov 2013
Posts: 2,206
Re: San Luis valley CO usa
I just read an article and watched a video about uptick in problems in the area. I suggest others do the same to get an idea of what is going on there. copy and paste:
Matt Valdez land administrator San Luis valley
The San Luis valley is traditionally a rural, agricultural, conservative, area. Newcomers are coming in and buying relatively cheap land. Interestingly this upturn in population has followed legalization of marijuana in CO.
Many newcoming 'gypsys' living in trailers and other temporary dwellings. Emphasis on temporary, by law. Of course everyone needs water, and a place to poop, and that is septic, well and permanent.
Deeper into this, I'm thinking some of the newcomers are building greenhouses and growing pot, since it is now legal in Colorado, and we are talking real money here. Reefer in Co legally sells for $100 to $200 and more, an oz. from 'green cross' dispensaries. All you need is doctors medical permission and you can buy pot.
Pot requires lots of water. What used to be minimal water use, has now increased with some people coming in and filling 1000 gallon tanks. For watering pot? Maybe, I wouldn't know but it is quite possible. Big money has always been an incentive for growing and distribution. jmo
This is a touchy political subject, and I sure as hell am glad I am not Matt Valdez, or a cop. I don't have a strong opinion about this because I know little about the situation. However, for sure, the days of rural people pretty much doing what they want in the west are long gone.
I'm thinking the 'land administrator' Matt Valdez sees yurts as potentially more 'pot' growing hippies, druggies looking to make big money off dope. The locals are antis, and want it stopped. Regs are the way to stop a transient population. An influx of drug people following the money has gotta be a huge headache. That is how I read it anyway. It is most definitely a touchy subject.