07-20-2023, 04:21 PM
Yurt Forum Addict
Join Date: Nov 2013
Posts: 2,206
Re: Rain catchment/gutter system
I know zip about gutter. Commercial or otherwise, nothing. Never done a lick of gutter work. But I won't let not actually knowing jack about it stop me from talking about it. This is the internet after all. ha
Let's say there is no commercial source. If someone was bound and determined to make their own curved roof yurt rain gutter, there is bendable light gauge plastic pipe that just might be utilized with some experimental work.
To get it readily bendable would require playing heat over the pipe with a heat gun. Or possibly a torch.
I have bent white pvc using heat from a torch with a flame spreader attached. Once softened it EASILY bends to shape. Doing that for an entire yurt would be firmly in the category of "I'm GONNA make this sumbitch work, dammit." lol Hanging it in place is all a guess. Rube Goldberg is your buddy.
Hopefully someone that actually KNOWS something about yurt gutter will post.