Today I ordered
an Idea Steel wood stove from the Woodstock Soapstone Company out of New Hampshire. I am going to use this to replace
my old stove in the yurt.
The old one was fine as it could heat the entire yurt even at -20F. However, you had to load it every 2-3 hours and that really cramped my sleeping style. I thought this would be a good opportunity to not only improve the yurt, but to review the stove for permanent yurt dwellers looking for better
solutions. The stove boasts 12-14 hours burn times, with the a record 82% EPA tested efficiency.
I got "the works" package which includes:
- Ash pan and grate
- Soapstone liner
- Soapstone side panels
- Custom sides (white tail deer design) andirons and cooktop
I also added an outdoor air kit and rear heat shield. I chose charcoal colors.
If this stove delivers on its promises, it could be a real game changer for
yurts, especially due to its affordability and green features.
It is estimated to arrive by the end of next week or maybe early the following week. Will keep you all posted!