03-19-2017, 07:00 PM
Yurt Forum Member
Join Date: Sep 2015
Location: New Hampshire
Posts: 50
We have a White mountain Yurt in Middle New Hampshire, and were getting reports regarding a huge mice infestation.. At the time we where working in Singapore, so not much could be done until we returned. Once we got back mid Feb. we immediately went to the yurt for a more in depth inspection. All I could see, is that where the bottom of the material shell is screwed into the side of the platform through grommets every 6 inches, in some places there are spaces where the shell material had bunched up, so maybe this is where the entrances are. The mice than work themselves between the interior and the outside shell and have eaten a hole through the or even worse, ate a hole through the screen and then into the Yurt? So I wrapped a 1" strap around the Yurt just above the grommets and ratched it tight which compressed those openings.. Also, sprayed peppermint spray and sprinkled crushed chill pepper around the interior base. No mice for the past 2 weeks. So I would like to know if folks have had the same experience, and what their solutions were? as well as how do you replace sections of screen with 1" holes , that would allow a platoon of New Hampshire mosquitoes in this summer?