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A Bathroom Hangup

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Old 06-19-2013, 06:29 PM   #1
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Default Re: A bathroom hangup

I'll try and offer some insight regarding my experience with composting toilets. I used a Biolet composting toilet for the first three years in my yurt. After the third year I stopped using it. Here are some reasons: I have my bathroom with a loft over it enclosed which takes up a little less than a quarter of my yurt, but in the winter it is was hard to keep the temperature in the optimal seventy degrees to insure that the composter was in fact composting. When the temperature drops below the optimal, the aerobic action slows and will stop in the fifties. At that point you aren't composting, you are providing waste storage. You can see the problem.

In the summer the composting toilet works great, unless you lose power to the twelve volt fan that moves the air up and out the flue, much like a woodstove, except it really stinks when your fan isn't working. I tried using a solar panel and twelve volt battery, but I've got too much shade in the summer and I couldn't keep the battery charged enough to run the fan 24/7. When it would stop it was awful. I was able to hook up a twelve volt step down from 110 volts and everything worked great as long as I didn't lose power from the grid. When the power did fail from thunderstorms, windstorms etc, the smell would run you out of the place and you wouldn't be able to go back in until the power came back on. In defense of the power company, this only happened a couple of times, but it was bad enough that I didn't want it to ever happen again.

Another problem with summer use was gnats. They are called fungus gnats and they love leaf mold. As an example, they are so thick right now that if you are outside long, they will swarm around your head and make it difficult to breath without breathing them in. Amazingly, they love the composting toilet and they will use it as their vacation paradise. Regardless of suggested ways to eliminate them (and I tried them all) you cannot get rid of them. No matter how hard you try, every time you open the door some of them get inside, and immediately head for compost heaven. They are miserable, so much so that I decided after three summers that I couldn't go on with composting.

Here are some possible solutions for you: If you go for an Envirolet, they have the composting chamber outside, which also allows the flue to be outside, which eliminates the odor problem I mentioned. You will still experience the problem with winter temps if you live in a part of the world that gets cold, so you'll need a composting toilet with a heater, of which I wasn't prepared to pay the electrical bill for that.

My solution was to switch to a 27 gallon RV portable tote. It's what people with RV's use to haul waste to the dump stations in parks. I live a mile from a Corp of Engineers campground, so every forty days I take the tote to the campground using a small trailer, pay five dollars and use the dump station to empty the tote. I'm currently using less than three hundred gallons of water per year for flushing. It's not the most ideal setup, but it works and it's lots cheaper that the electricity to power a composting toilet heater for a year. As a reference, I'm a single person and I use a very low flush toilet. With more people my solution would be much more difficult.

Sorry for the length of the message. I hope it helps in you decision making.
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Old 11-17-2013, 02:56 PM   #2
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Join Date: Aug 2012
Location: Sweden
Posts: 34
Default Re: A bathroom hangup

Originally Posted by cmwingfield View Post
I'll try and offer some insight regarding my experience with composting toilets. I used a Biolet composting toilet for the first three years in my yurt. After the third year I stopped using it.
The Biolet is called a MullToa in Sweden, which is where it comes from originally. We've got three of them and they work just fine. They do require some care and the right conditions however. Also, they are improving their technology (I believe they're on the 6th iteration).

What we have found is:

- they need to have a heated space. 15C seems OK as the minimum

- the


level needs to be monitored. If it's too wet, turn up the thermostat. Too dry, turn it down and if necessary spray some water in it with a mister.

- if you don't use it for a few days, close it with the supplied lid and shut it off.

- if it's used sporadically let the mixer work 5-10 times every other day or so.

- the compost needs to be emptied if the toilet fills up (that should be obvious!)

We've not had any problems with flies, but then we are on the west coast of Sweden and don't have the same insects as other places do.

So yes, they need a bit of awareness but they seem to work well enough even with pretty intensive use.
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