Forum: Everything Else
04-20-2016, 06:35 PM
Replies: 9
Views: 2,933
Re: dome
It's sort of like mildew actually, but from the tree. Will try oil, would steam be too harsh?
Forum: Everything Else
04-20-2016, 08:57 AM
Replies: 9
Views: 2,933
Re: dome
How does the average dome open? Are there four points around, like a hinge, two side atachments and the opening fixture? How wide is the open side when open? General info could be a beginning for me....
Forum: Everything Else
04-20-2016, 06:37 AM
Replies: 9
Views: 2,933
Hello yurt lovers! I've been given an older 24ft yurt. The manufacturer is Yurtco, I believe no longer in business.
There are a couple issues tho. One being that I don't understand the dome setup....