01-08-2016, 11:43 AM
Join Date: Jan 2012
Posts: 2,435
Free Shipping on PVX-2580L Solar Batteries
So I have been thinking about upgrading my battery bank at the yurt to two PVX-2580L Sun Xtender batteries:
These AGM deep cycle batteries are considered nearly the top of the line (not counting super expensive lithium solutions). They require no maintenance, withstand shock (the military uses them in fighters), and you can mount them in any position except upside down.
I haven't pulled the trigger for one simple reason: price. Everywhere I looked, each battery costs around $750 and that doesn't include shipping. Weighing in at 160 pounds, shipping is a huge cost. When all was said and done, the costs for one came to over $1,000!
Today I found SEP Batteries are selling them at $560 (two or more) with FREE shipping! So I was able to order two for a grand total of $1,119. I call that a score! Anyway, I figured I would share this with you all. Here is the URL for more info:
Sun-Xtender PVX-2580L 12-Volt AGM Solar Batteries for Sale