03-19-2021, 02:53 PM
Yurt Forum Youngin
Join Date: Mar 2021
Posts: 2
Do portable air conditioners work in yurts?
We have some property north of Oklahoma City, and we are thinking about putting a few yurts on it for AirBnB rental. Our thinking is boyscouts, youth groups, etc. would enjoy the experience of an authentic Mongolian ger.
It's brutally hot around here five months out of the year, though, so renting portable AC units would be non optional in the Summer. I've looked into the cost to run them, and that wouldn't be too bad because electricity is only 7 cents a kilowatt hour around here. The cost of running the electricity out there would be kind of pricy, but that's a one time expense, and would serve other purposes, too.
We were also thinking about putting tin roof awning over the deck, which would keep the yurt cooler and also increase the lifespan of the cover by keeping the sun and rain off of it.
Anyhoo, just wondering what your experiences are with the portable AC units. We were looking at the ones in the 12k to 15k BTU range. This would be for a 20ft 5 wall ger with standard height walls.