At first a friendly "Hello" from Austria!
Since a while I am playing with the imagination to have a yurt as permanent home. As experienced camper (former Boy-Scout....

) I love yurts since I have spent a lot of nights inside them on a trip in Mongolia in 2000.
Although I know it will not be a good comparison to the modern equipped "Western-Style-Yurts"....
A while ago some searches brought me to the website of
and their newsletter is always a positive momentum to bring me into "dream-mode"!

I hope @Pacific Yurts is reading that....
Now I have - depending on some business developments - the idea for setting up office space with Yurts. And to add a private living area for me & my Lady too.
The main reason for using Yurts instead usual houses is the enormous flexibility! Not alone in furnishing, more important is the possibility to start small and to add Yurts as needed in quantity & size.

And - if it happens on unexpected situations - the choice to leave the current place for a better location.
My intention to join this forum was to help me in my evaluations and to bring a wider range of views and increase my knowledge about these wonderful houses.