08-31-2015, 09:03 AM
Yurt Forum Youngin
Join Date: Nov 2013
Posts: 12
Yurt on the Ground
Hello all,
We have a 30' Pacific Yurt in storage, but financing a platform isn't in the cards right now and we'd like to go ahead and put up the yurt to test it out. I was trying to think about what might be possible in terms of setting the yurt up where we currently have our 15' Laurel Nest yurt, but on the ground rather than a platform. My thought was that we could use EPDM liner as sort of a sock to keep out. My only concerns are then about the best way to secure the yurt to the ground (we have the wind and snow kit, wind is potential issue here in NC, snow less so) and if the EPDM has any pitfalls that perhaps I'm not thinking about? I won't go through all the considerations I've made, but would like any quick thoughts from those who may have tried or with more experience. Thanks!
08-31-2015, 03:23 PM
Join Date: Jan 2012
Posts: 2,435
Re: Yurt on the Ground
A 30 foot PY is heavy, especially if you got the 2X6 rafter upgrade. That is what I have. Let me suggest that you don't just put it up to test it out. It is a pretty heavy undertaking. We did it will about 10 people and it took all day. The weight of the was around 300 pounds and the roof cover was heavier. It was a bear to put up, and I can image it isn't much easier taking it down.
If it were me, I wouldn't put it up until I was ready to put it up for real.
08-31-2015, 06:45 PM
Yurt Forum Addict
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Re: Yurt on the Ground
Agree with Jafo. A smaller yurt like mine at 16' is still plenty work to set up. If you do proceed I suggest clearing and leveling the site and rolling out the floor membrane. Erect the yurt and fold the membrane up the outside of the wall, under the cover, and secure with the lowest tension rope. Bathtub floor is the result. Plenty 6 meter and smaller yurts get set up directly on the ground, including mine. Mine IS on a platform now coming up on two years. Much better than the ground as it was before. Good luck.
08-31-2015, 07:30 PM
Yurt Forum Youngin
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Posts: 12
Re: Yurt on the Ground
Since the financing the platform make take a year or two (if everything works out), that is how long the yurt would be set up on the ground (unless of course we decide we really like it that way). If that ends up being the case, we'll have some funds for another project.
Bob's description is what I had in mind roughly. Still wondering about best way to secure it in case of wind, but will ponder some more. Thanks, y'all.
08-31-2015, 08:38 PM
Yurt Forum Addict
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Re: Yurt on the Ground
Well I forgot the anchoring part.  First go round I made a five looped rope bridle that drapes over the roof as if it were a net. Since I only have a 16' yurt it just had the five loops. Those five loops are anchored with rope to 'quikrete' anchors set at five equidistant points around the perimeter of the yurt. 1 bag of mix per anchor. That yielded a very good anchorage.
To furthur anchor the yurt prior to building the deck, I added five more quikrete anchors for a total of ten. I ran wire cable through the loops set in the concrete anchors. I roped the roof canvas directly to the cable not unlike a drum head on a djembe. I stitched loops every 17 inches around the perimeter of the roof canvas. 100 percent bombproof anchorage.
I lost my first yurt in a wicked storm. That won't happen again. lol
08-31-2015, 08:52 PM
Yurt Forum Youngin
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Posts: 12
Re: Yurt on the Ground
Bob, that's some very useful info, much appreciated. Can you tell me anything about your experience with heat loss through the floor when on the ground? I've had some thoughts about trying to add some framing with rigid foam or similar, possibly set up a radiant floor system on top of it and build a woodchip compost furnace for . Yurt came with the full package, so only the floor to worry about. Might do some research into how earthen floors are insulated.
09-01-2015, 08:02 AM
Yurt Forum Youngin
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Posts: 12
Re: Yurt on the Ground
Although your plan is theoretically 'ok' - there are good reasons to do it right - the biggest being you don't ruin your yurt by not thinking about a 'what if.' It really doesn't sound worth it. And after you get it up, you're not going to want to take it down and re-nestle.
Where in NC are you?
09-01-2015, 08:14 AM
Yurt Forum Youngin
Join Date: Nov 2013
Posts: 12
Re: Yurt on the Ground
Not to sound callous, I appreciate the generalized concern, but I would be weighing the risks inherent with any particular implementation against the benefits, so unless a specific concern is being raised, I'm not interested in "don't do it just because". I don't have a problem with re-nestling since the turn-around time between putting up the yurt and when the re-nestling would occur is >12-24 months, and as I said, I may prefer it on the ground after having experienced it.
I'm in the coastal plain of NC.
09-01-2015, 10:03 AM
Join Date: Jan 2012
Posts: 2,435
Re: Yurt on the Ground
Originally Posted by tboulden
Not to sound callous, I appreciate the generalized concern, but I would be weighing the risks inherent with any particular implementation against the benefits, so unless a specific concern is being raised, I'm not interested in "don't do it just because". I don't have a problem with re-nestling since the turn-around time between putting up the yurt and when the re-nestling would occur is >12-24 months, and as I said, I may prefer it on the ground after having experienced it.
I'm in the coastal plain of NC.
Well, the thing is, this is not a simple project. When you take down something of this size/weight, you stand a chance of breaking things. A 30' PY is not a nomadic structure like a 16' Groovy Yurt. It is a building.
While they CAN be moved, you are taking a serious risk of damaging the yurt.
I certainly would not have paid over $15,000 for a yurt, just to take a chance on ruining it because I had to wait to build a $5,000-$8,000 platform, but that is me.
If you are hell bent on such a reckless move, you may want to consider a straw bale platform. Cheap, long lasting and green. At least then you won't be sitting in a potentially large round bath tub.
09-01-2015, 09:01 AM
Yurt Forum Addict
Join Date: Nov 2013
Posts: 2,206
Re: Yurt on the Ground
Where I live here in CO the ground is cold most of the year. For the half year I had my yurt directly on the ground I didn't have even a tarp down. I didn't have any problem, however I wasn't living in there either. Basically I always had a fire in there. We had cots and the woodstove and table and chairs so we were off the ground all the time. No problems.
As far as ground I have no comment other than to research the forum. I can tell you I didn't insulate underneath the floor boards of my platform and that was a big mistake. But again, I don't live in there. It's my man cave and a place for my grandkids to goof around outside in 'nature'. lol BTW there are pics on here of the yurt under my name and handmade yurt, also google images on yurt and mine is the rustic 16'er one with the green door. Gotta got to work. Later.
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