08-27-2016, 06:14 PM
Yurt Forum Youngin
Join Date: Aug 2016
Posts: 3
Yurt in the Poconos
We are looking to downsize due to medical necessity- I need to take care of my son (3 year old) who has a very long list of medical complexities.
We have land that we can use to build (4 acres), and clearly we need to speak to the zoning board, but I was interested to know if there was anyone in PA living in a yurt and how do I address the following concerns below?
I had 2 major concerns. 1: The yurt would need to be a full time off grid residence in the Poconos (snow, rain and humidity). Therefore, we need a way to ensure we have enough electricity for running a fridge (to store medicine and large quantities of food), cooking (won't use propane and my son has extreme food allergies so everything needs to be cooked at home, and temperature control (son is unable to tolerate extreme temperature changes)
2. Mold growth- how to avoid and have the environment be non toxic?
My son is basically unable to detox any chemical he comes in contact with and can become ill just walking into a store....so we need an off grid, mold resistant chemical friendly home that is cheap and easy to maintain! Is this possible?
Thanks for your help!!