01-04-2014, 09:11 PM
Yurt Forum Youngin
Join Date: Dec 2013
Location: ithaca, ny
Posts: 22
yurt cover
Hey fellow yurters;
I have reviewed all the other posts regarding covers in advance...
I currently own a 12ft yurt with a polaris fabric and just sold a 20 ft yurt with a starfire fabric. The first is a pollycotton blended fabric with a vinyl coating; the latter is a pollycotton fabric with a vinyl impregnation (slightly heavier duty).
I am preparing for my first build/ a 3o ft. yurt and am looking for cover advice. Think ill pass on the tarapaulin tarps and billboard covers; i am curious to hear any reviews from yurters with canvas covers. Does the canvas provide enough exterior protection? I assume painting the canvas with an exterior grade latex paint would help? Worried about keeping the rain/ melting snow out. Also, hows the canvas hold up under mr. Sun? I would prefer canvas to a polycottn/ vinyl fabric due to the cost savings but would be open to any other fabrics I have not yet mentioned....
Looks like Ill need about 150 sq. yards for the whole thing; since i will probably paint it color dosnt matter/ anyone know some discount fabric sources?
thanks a bunch for your help/ trying to keep this project under $6,000...