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Wind And The Yurt

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Old 05-21-2013, 11:49 AM   #1
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Default Wind and the Yurt

Hey all.
I'm going to start a few threads at once, since we're getting much closer to buying another yurt. This one's about wind.
I notice there are a few companies (or maybe just Pacific and Colorado) that have high wind kits available, and I need a little perspective on this point. What experiences have you had with wind?
I remember a few people posting from the east around hurricane time last year that all was well for them. Did you take anything into account when building or buying your yurt?
We have occasional projections of wind gusting up to 60 mph (I don't have a meter, so I don't know what we actually get), and only a partial windbreak for our site. Included is a photo of our pre-collapsed yurt I got with our ladder last year. It shows a windbreak on the south and east. The wind comes whipping through from the southwest in the gap between southern windbreak and Walnut tree to the west.
I'd appreciate any thoughts, especially those around "what situations truly call for a wind kit", and "what situations can a yurt take, easy".

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Old 05-21-2013, 11:58 AM   #2
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Default Re: Wind and the Yurt

Hi Dan,

Although the yurt is an aerodynamic shape it is best to plan for the "worst case" at your site. Based on what you've said I would recommend adding the Snow & Wind Kit. Simply think of it as "cheap insurance". Our Snow & Wind Kit adds a lot of rigidity to the structure by connecting the rafter, lattice wall and floor together, but also distributes roof forces between the rafters. If cost is a big factor for you we also offer a "hardware only" package, so you can make your own rafter supports (studs). The rafter supports also come in handy when building shelves or interior walls. I hope this helps.

-Pacific Yurts
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Old 05-21-2013, 05:29 PM   #3
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Default Re: Wind and the Yurt

Yes, that is helpful. I just assume that everyone has storms with that kind of gust, if only once a year or so. But now that I think of it, I suppose that isn't necessarily true at all.
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Old 05-24-2013, 05:23 PM   #4
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Default Re: Wind and the Yurt

Hey Dan,

I have two

Pacific Yurts

and we live/lived in a high wind/storm/tropical storm/hurricane/high wind/seasonal storm/every-single-day-wind place... haha. not kidding.

I decked our Yurts out with the snow and wind kits and center pole (center pole might be overkill for some people... but its a huge investment overall and our climate was extreme... so it seemed reasonable because of that.

As much as I'm sure a Pacific Yurt could stand up to most anything... I never regretted any part of the extras. The constant wind isn't what concerned me... it was the gusting high winds that literally RIP at any house and make the glasses in the cupboards rattle... its hard enough to endure that in 4 normal walls... in a Yurt its just nice to know its good and anchored.

If where you live has any propensity toward having 'weather' it would be good and better to be safe than sorry. Plus when you're sitting there in a storm or the wind is gusting really strong and your walls are flapping and its sometimes really loud... its easier to ignore and continue on with life when you know you've done everything to make it stand and you don't need to worry... otherwise you sit there waiting for it to lift off haha.

I recently moved to southern BC... and this is about the only climate/area that anyone could get away without having all the extras anywhere in Canada.
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Old 06-11-2013, 12:22 AM   #5
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Default Re: Wind and the Yurt

I lost my first hand built yurt last february, a 14'er, due to extreme windsin a snow storm. The wind literally picked it up and tossed it 25 yards. It landed on the roof and was blown to smithereens. Totally destroyed.

Make CERTAIN your yurt is anchored solidly.
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Old 06-11-2013, 07:01 AM   #6
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Default Re: Wind and the Yurt

Wow -thanks for your reflections, all. These are helpful.
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Old 06-11-2013, 09:03 AM   #7
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Default Re: Wind and the Yurt

The 16'er I just finished isn't going anywhere. I poured ten sackrete anchors around the outside perimeter of the yurt, just outside the yurts footprint, and flush with the ground. Each anchor has an 8" length of 3/8ths chain embedded in it, with half the last link protruding above the surface. I ran 1/8" vinyl coated wire through the exposed chain loops and cable clamped the wire ends. That way I can anchor off anything around the perimeter to that wire.

Inside, directly below the roof ring, I placed a two bag sackrete anchor with the same chain link setup. I stung 1/8th cable through the eight screw eyes in the roof ring, and down to the ground anchor. The screw eyes also anchor the yurt cover at the smoke hole. The wood stove sits on top of that concrete, and the anchor cable runs adjacent to the stove pipe. By the way I have a dirt floor. I'm into primitive. lol

This yurt isn't going anywhere. I got a good ten full days building it and I ain't losin this one to no stinkin wind. ;D
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Old 06-11-2013, 09:24 AM   #8
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Default Re: Wind and the Yurt

You got to get just a little less primitive and snap some pics of that! lol, would love to see that setup!
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Old 06-11-2013, 10:26 AM   #9
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Default Re: Wind and the Yurt

Is there a detailed link on how to post pics here? I am computer illiterate on such matters. Thanks.

Off to pound nails. Later, Bob
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Old 06-11-2013, 10:43 AM   #10
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Default Re: Wind and the Yurt

Originally Posted by Robo View Post
Is there a detailed link on how to post pics here? I am computer illiterate on such matters. Thanks.

Off to pound nails. Later, Bob
Here ya go:


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