04-23-2015, 12:07 PM
Yurt Forum Youngin
Join Date: Mar 2015
Location: NH
Posts: 7
question on T&G flooring
We are getting ready to put our up and are looking at doing the T&G flooring floating as per out colorado yurt instructions. We are concerned with how to deal with any gaping issues as far as air leaks and water spills inside the yurt after everything is put up and settles. My husband has read of people putting caulking in the seams when installing it and then using pipe clamps to get it really tight. Would this work to reducing gaps or is it overkill? Also would using non-toxic sealant help at all? We are hoping to get this going this week as we are chilling in a hotel racking up costs between the hotel and the kennel for our cats. Yikes!