05-16-2013, 10:43 AM
Yurt Forum Youngin
Join Date: May 2013
Location: Colorado
Posts: 23
Question about cover material.
Hi guys. New guy here. I'm Robo, and I'm a yurtaholic. lol After carpentering for forty years on square buildings, I got the urge this year to build something round for a change. So I've scratch built a 16' camping yurt from construction lumber, using plan found on the 'net. Google 'rotten luck guild- yurt' and click on the pics link you'll see a yurt like mine.
The build has been a snap, but now I'm dead in the water trying to figure how to get the roof covered. I got the wall covered, and for the last couple weeks I been out there at night hanging by the wood stove, a small tarp tied up above me and the wood pile.
I gotta get this dude covered with something better than the cheap jack Depot painters tarps I made into the wall cover. I was thinking 12 oz double fill sunforger canvas? Other? Suggestions? I sure need help guys. Any of you guys know of a good source for canvas online? I'd sure appreciate any advise from those that have been there done that. I got access to an industrial sewing machine.
Thanks in advance. You all have a good day.