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Newbie Yurt Building Help.

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Old 08-03-2017, 12:30 PM   #1
Yurt Forum Youngin
Join Date: Jul 2017
Posts: 7
Default Newbie yurt building help.

Hi I have read up a bit about these topics but wanted to get specific info if I can. So here goes...

My wife and I are looking to build a 24" yurt (no center braces for central ring) i was thinking about 7" tall walls not sure on higher/angle of the roof because that kind of depends on strength and what is best for structural integrity.

As for the structure I have been hearing alot of people using 2x6 for the lattice work. What is a good strong length/width to cut that down to? I read cutting them to 7/8 was good. What do you all think?Is it strong enough? And how many lattice poles would you get out of there?
My wife and I don't have a lot of money so reducing waste/cost is important to us so if anyone has any ideas while keeping quality/structural integrity we would love to hear it.

As for attaching the lattice together I heard 5/16 nut/bolt/washers were good. Will it bend well/roll up at all?

I personally have no idea on angle or degree the roof should be. How large should the roof poles be to support the roof while making a sturdy roof for weather? Right now my wife and I live in San Diego so weather is very mild but we plan on moving at some point and I would like to plan for the worst.

Anyone have good ideas on how to get a well made central ring for and an ok price and where to find them? I found one for around $700+ at yurt camping.com I think but any ideas for cheaper. Like I said my wife and I aren't made of money haha. We try to live smarter not harder.

Also we are looking for suggestions on. A good place to buy the canvas/insulation (we were thinking wool because everything we have heard is it's very good quality compared to other things especially bubble rap.

Sorry for all the questions feel free to answer as many or as few as you want.

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