04-19-2022, 09:11 AM
Yurt Forum Youngin
Join Date: Apr 2022
Posts: 24
My quick intro
Hi gang
Am in Ontario Canada and got the yurt bug. Was going to order a 20' yurt from overseas to get started as a fun hangout place in the woods with friends and a place the kids can play but got to thinking about building from scratch. I have very nice straight and clear ash on my woodlot and a little woodmizer. Might start with a 12' project for fun. Am looking to brain up while I am sawing the lattic and roof pieces. Dont mind if my walls and roof sewing evolve on an annual basis while I learn.
Am an experienced woodworker having built my log and timberframe house myself with handtools. But like anything in life, knowledge is great and hope to learn much here!