Last night there was an electrical storm just a few kilometers from my yurt. And now my mother (who lives in a house in the city) is scared I'm going to be killed by lightning. She's desperate for me to put a lightning rod on the top of my chimney, and earth the firebox.
Do you think it's a good idea?
Yurt is in the middle of an open field.
It has Reflectix
, and a steel wood-fire firebox, and steel chimney, so the whole thing is basically electrically conductive!
Wire sheep-fence about 50 yards away. Tall pine trees about 70 yards in the other direction.
I think I'll be okay. There are higher and more interesting things for the lightning bolts to hit.
Would it make me a bigger target, if I earthed the firebox and flue? Or is that a good idea to earth the firebox?
Thanks for your opinions!