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How Do You Attach Tyvek/R-13 Fiberglass To A Ger?

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Old 09-29-2020, 02:30 AM   #1
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Default How do you attach Tyvek/R-13 fiberglass to a Ger?

Hi! We're just about finished building our platform and are hoping to put up the Mongolian Ger next week! We were hoping to do layers as follows:
(1) lattice
(2) Perforated Radiant Barrier
(3) R-13 Fiberglass


(4) Tyvek Homewrap
(5) Canvas

Does anyone have tips on how to attach the layers to the ger? All of the


layers come in rolls which, normally, get stapled to studs. But we don't have studs here... I was thinking of trying to sandwich all of the layers together with tape or something before rolling it on to the ger, but that sounds over complicated.

How have other people attached layers?

Also, for the Canvas, do people apply waterproofing like Starbrite?

Thanks again for all the help! This forum has been a goldmine of information. Will post pictures once it's set up.

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Old 09-29-2020, 06:53 AM   #2
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Default Re: How do you attach Tyvek/R-13 fiberglass to a Ger?

Not sure about how to do all of this, but I will mention that if you over-insulate your yurt, expect a lot of


and mold. Your yurt must breath somewhere.
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Groovy Yurts
Old 09-29-2020, 09:50 AM   #3
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Default Re: How do you attach Tyvek/R-13 fiberglass to a Ger?

Thanks! My hope is that this set of material does actually breathe the


out. None of it is vapor-proof.

Groovy Yurts

suggested something like Tyvek for their yurts as a weather proofing layer, and I've seen others on the forum suggest R-13. I just wasn't sure how they attached it to the walls...
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Old 09-30-2020, 07:52 AM   #4
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Default Re: How do you attach Tyvek/R-13 fiberglass to a Ger?

Yves at

Groovy Yurts

is extremely knowledgeable about this. Tyvek is a good wrap. I am more concerned about your plans to use the fiberglass. Being that it is a traditional Ger, if it were me, I would go without it initially. Those yurts are beautiful are strong, but built in a dry climate. They are very easy to take the canvas back off if you want to try more insulation later.

I have my Pacific Yurt in Northern NY where we can get to -30F frequently. I opted to just get an oversized heat source and have not had any mold in the last 9 years.
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Old 10-02-2020, 02:13 AM   #5
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Default Re: How do you attach Tyvek/R-13 fiberglass to a Ger?

I unfortunately don't think I can oversize my heat source for a number of logistical reasons. My best guess is I will only be able to crank out about 13k BTU. Maybe 20k BTU.

If I could get the walls to even R-3, it might work out okay, but just a layer of canvas seems too little.
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Old 10-03-2020, 11:23 PM   #6
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Default Re: How do you attach Tyvek/R-13 fiberglass to a Ger?

A single layer of canvas will not begin to keep in the heat after the wood stove fades at night. Been there done that.

As for insulation, I would not bother trying to invent some system to install r-13 batts on any lattice wall yurt. Nor would I mess around trying to water proof uncoated canvas that has no factory applied water repellent.

If I were building another yurt as a home, I would use felt between the inner cover and outer cover, just like the Mongolians do. I assure you that if you come up with a system that traps moist air in the wall/roof, mold will ensue. That exact issue has been brought up on this forum a few times in the last several years.

Personal experience, I used treated canvas on all three of my yurts, no insulation. They did not hold heat at all. Fire out, yurt cold-pronto. Plus, the 100% canvas cover was leaking rainwater/snow melt within four years of full time weather exposure. Also mold set in during the second year, albeit just a mild case- no smell. It increased yearly until the cover was totally worthless.

IMO the best way to go for anyone considering long term yurt living, is to get a professional 15 year cover. And spend the money and felt it.

Hopefully a pro will address this issue. Good luck.
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