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Equipment Needed To Erect A 24' Yurt

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Old 08-22-2017, 12:25 PM   #1
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Default Equipment Needed to Erect a 24' Yurt

We expect to receive our yurts (16' and 24') from Nomad next week, and I'm wondering what we need to have on hand. Specifically, what size scaffold is needed to assemble a 24' yurt? Are any other tools (beyond basic hand tools) required or helpful?


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Old 08-22-2017, 12:40 PM   #2
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Default Re: Equipment Needed to Erect a 24' Yurt

Nomad would be the best ones to amswer that question. Heights and hardware vary between yurt manufacturers. That said, I have always found a simple hand built tower made of 2x4s to be the most effective scaffold in the center of the yurt.
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Old 08-23-2017, 10:21 AM   #3
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Default Re: Equipment Needed to Erect a 24' Yurt

I have already contacted Nomad with my questions and am waiting for their yurt builder to get back to me. I was just hedging my bets by posting here as well.
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Old 08-27-2017, 05:26 PM   #4
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Default Re: Equipment Needed to Erect a 24' Yurt

For a 24' Yurt, we put 3 temp 2x4's bolted to the


ring as legs, the height was based on your manufacturer spec.. Than with two 12' step ladder we were able to connect the rafters , initially opposite sides.. It was pretty easy with no drama.
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Old 08-28-2017, 10:32 AM   #5
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Default Re: Equipment Needed to Erect a 24' Yurt

We just put up a 24'.

Pacific Yurts

told us 12' 3" was the height needed so we used that as a guide. I put tape on the

center ring

at the spots where the first trusses would fit in the ring. I also put flagging at the spots on the cable where the trusses would rest. This eliminates a lot of waving those trusses around.
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Old 09-18-2017, 01:49 PM   #6
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Default Re: Equipment Needed to Erect a 24' Yurt

Checking back. Using a tall stepladder and a 11' scaffold, we had very little trouble installing the

center ring


Unfortunately, we didn't have the same luck installing the cover. It must weigh 200 lbs, and three of us were unable to get it over the top of the yurt. Is there a trick to this step? I checked for how-to videos on YouTube but found nothing showing the roof installation for a large yurt in detail. I emailed the vendor & am waiting for a response, but I'm getting nervous that our good weather won't hold.

Possibly related question: is Tyvek waterproof? The top


is in place but we won't be able to make another attempt at installing the cover until Wednesday.

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Old 09-18-2017, 07:34 PM   #7
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Default Re: Equipment Needed to Erect a 24' Yurt

Originally Posted by Old Man Oldman View Post

Unfortunately, we didn't have the same luck installing the cover. It must weigh 200 lbs, and three of us were unable to get it over the top of the yurt. Is there a trick to this step?

Hi Old Man Oldman,

I employ what I affectionately call "the worm method".

For this to work optimally you need to make sure that the head of the worm who is also your up top person knows how the cover unfolds properly (to prevent it from getting all twisted up).

Get the cover folded up into a long pie shape, the valance at one end and the skylight opening at the other ...

Imagine that this cover is now the body of your worm and that your crew are the centipede legs that have magically sprouted out of it.

The head of the worm who is again going to be your eye in the sky should be at the valance end.

Now lift the cover onto all of your shoulders (you should all be on the same side).

Begin to climb your ladder and guide the worm through the center hole in the roof.

Your ground people need to lift the cover up to you and you guide it up through the hole & slide it down so that the valance comes down near where the rafters meet the lattice wall.

From there you should all be armed with smooth non pokey sticks (I use yurt slats). Your two ground people can help unfold from out side on ladders propped against the lattice wall and the worm head has to stay up top t help unfold and guide everything.

Does that make sense?
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Old 09-18-2017, 03:21 PM   #8
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Default Re: Equipment Needed to Erect a 24' Yurt

Did you build a center tower for scaffold to work from? This is perhaps the biggest reason to build that tower. We use an extension ladder, make it act as a 'ramp' and build a sled using plywood, framed with 2x4s that are just a bit wider than the ladder. Drill a hole at the top of the sled, tie a rope to that and have 2 people at the top pulling, 2 people at the bottom pushing and keeping the roof even as it goes up the ramp. Screw the bottom of the extension ladder so that it doesn't 'kick out' from the bottom. Get a ratchet strap cinched around the coiled up roof, cinch it tight but be sure to protect the roof from the ratchet mechanism.
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Old 09-18-2017, 03:49 PM   #9
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Default Re: Equipment Needed to Erect a 24' Yurt

We just manhandled it up through the center ring, but we had scaffolding.
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Old 09-18-2017, 05:18 PM   #10
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Default Re: Equipment Needed to Erect a 24' Yurt

My 20 ft yurt has a single piece canvas that weighs about 110 lbs. I marked the center of the part that goes around the crown ring so I can tie a rope there & hoist it up. I start outside the door, pass the rope over the rafters &


and down through the crown ring. If I have help, they'll weight the rope--otherwise I tie to my kettlebell or some other mass. Then I lift the canvas off the ground bit by bit, finagling ropes as necessary. Use a spare roof pole to hold the insulation down or reposition bits of the canvas. It ain't pretty, but it usually works. Strategic pulley placement might someday make things easier...

Tyvek is supposed to be waterproof--just watch your seams. Really loud flapping in the wind though.
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