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Defining A Yurt.

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Old 12-31-2012, 07:25 PM   #1
Yurt Forum Youngin
Join Date: Dec 2012
Posts: 4
Default Defining a yurt.

When I was young enough to be a Boy Scout, one of the leaders built a yurt to use on camping trips as something of a 'main' tent. The scouts mostly had their own tents, but the yurt provided a tent big enough for us all to get together for whatever reason seemed appropriate.

I always thought that his yurt was a neat idea. I had considered living in a yurt myself, but it never quite panned out. Now that I'm older, I'm getting to the point where I want my own place. I've moved out of my parent's home, but I'm not sure I'm liking living in a building belonging to someone else. I have to play by their rules, and do as they say. I would much rather be on my own. I had started to consider buying my own place, but after a conversation with a friend, my mind came back to the idea of living in a yurt.

I've been looking around the interwebs the past few days and seen that there are lots of options. Today I found this forum, and thought that it would be as good a place to ask a lingering question that I have. My question is, if you have a circular structure with regular framed walls, but a yurt-like rafters system, would that be considered a yurt? I know there is a company that sells such a 'yurt', but I'm wondering if die-hard yurt fans would consider it a yurt. The company I'm referring to is

Smiling Woods Yurts - Yurts for Sale

There may also be other companies, I'm not sure. I'm wondering if this would still be considered a yurt without the lattice walls and fabric like covering?

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