building a yurt for the winter...
I will be building a yurt to live in this winter. For reference, I live in north west new jersey.
I have been researching yurts for almost a year and I am ready to get started but I have a few questions that I hope some people will be kind enough to help me out with.
The only calculator I have found so far is even though its in metric, i have muddled through it. However, I have a few concerns with the site. First of all, the wall angle on the site is 90 degrees, it the lath was 90 it would be verticle. Am I missing something here? 90 degrees is used throughout the website so it doesnt appear to be a one time error.
I want the walls to be 6'. I input 60 degree for the angle and it gives me a length of 7'7" for the lath. The site recommends 7 holes in the lath with 1' spacing and 16" left over on one end. That math doesnt add up if the lath is 7'7"long.
Is there another calculator out there that I cant find? My parameters are; a 20' yurt that will be built on a platform. I will be milling all the wood myself, im planning on making the walls from beech and im not sure about the roof poles yet.
Is bending the individual lath before assemble a good idea? How big of a radius bend will give me straight walls when its assembled?
So many question. Any help would be aapreciated.
Thank you