08-06-2014, 08:54 PM
Yurt Forum Youngin
Join Date: Jun 2014
Posts: 24
Bamboo ger!
So after much deliberation I have decided i want to build my ger out of bamboo. I have been reading and getting some advice from Bob Rowlands on his build. (thanks again Bob) Also i am using recycled plastic pallets and plywood with for the base. I am going to try and adapt Bobs plans to the 21' size. My issue is coming into play making the crown of the ger. Im curious if there is any efficient way to do this with bamboo. I have some ideas but i want to make sure it will work. Does anyone have any ideas? I am also thinking of a 4 foot crown rather than the suggested 36 inch. Any help will be appreciated! One more note. I plan on not using bolts for my lattice work. I was thinking 550 parachute cord. As the person did in the book i am reading by Bruce Sargent.(For Love of Yurts.)